Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dear Wayne, Leave Paulina Alone!

Fact: Sex Sells, I've never been a father but I can understand how this would be a problem for the Gretzky empire. At least it would be a problem if 99 wasn't playing the do as I say not as I do card!

Yes Wayne! you were having your youthful fun as one of the biggest stars on the planet, your daughter is not nearly as famous. Embrace it, for me Wayne! Even in your hay day your best friends were using sex to sell as well!

Not going to be a lot of writing in todays post I just got bored, tomorrow on The Oil Drip we have a jam packed show! Guests include Steven Rockarts @rockarts, local superstar comedian/tean heart throb Lars Callieou discussing life of a casual fan @extralars, and if you're really good, a Vancouver Canuck Fan!!! And brilliant future news, through various sponsorship channels I may be working out the live stream to include a phone in segment!

You can find Lars's comedy at


baggedmilk said...

Here! here!

rabble rabble rabble

Travis Dakin said...

Ok first... Where did you find that epic video????? It's beyond amazing. Look at Messier's face when he looks at the camera!

Anderson clearly can't be gay after the boner he pops in those track pants over that chick!

Also, legend has it that the Great one was hung like a blue whale.... you can clearly see through the suds that that this is true. #nohomo*

*Um, actually yes homo. But only for the Great one.**

**Don't you fucking judge me.

Steve Schulte said...

Video is archived on, I absolutely love Moose hot tub face, and it's not gay if it's 99, it's gay lite!

Anonymous said...

I used blog..........
then i took an arrow in the knee

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